Gurtar's Request - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Gurtar's Request


Guardian Gurtar wants you to give the Bloodcup Braid to Draaka in Splintertree.
Provided Item:
Orc-Hair Braid


I have a bit of a personal request for you, <class>.

It has been many moons since I have seen my love, Draaka. It will be many more before we are able to be together again. I fear that as time passes, her love for me will wane.

This braid has special meaning to the two of us, as do Thorned Bloodcups, the flower of this region.

I ask that you pluck the flowers and weave them into this twine, then present the gift to Draaka on my behalf.


You can choose one of these awards:
Bloodcup Slippers Faithful Treads Gloves of Unforgotten Vows
Also, you get: 14


Hello, <name>.


<Recognizing at once the nature of the gift, Draaka begins to weep.>

Oh, <name>. Thank you for this gift! It means more than you could know.

He hasn't forgotten...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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