Respect for the Fallen - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Respect for the Fallen


Retrieve Feero's Holy Hammer and The Purifier's Prayer Book.
Provided Item:
Cloak of Cenarius


There were two humans here: Feero Ironhand and Delgren the Purifier. They were members of a holy organization known as The Argent Dawn. Both fell defending the post when the Horde first attacked.

I'm going to loan you my magical cloak. It was a gift from Cenarius that allows me to move invisibly.

Find both of their corpses and retrieve Feero's hammer and Delgren's prayer book. Feero's corpse is in the courtyard and Delgren's is atop the tower.

Beware, the warlock up there will be able to see you.


You can choose one of these awards:
Delgren's Leggings Onaeya's Gloves Feero's Pauldrons
Also, you get: 13


Our losses here have been staggering.


I do not look forward to writing the letter to the Argent Dawn embassy in Darnassus. At least we'll be able to send their most prized possessions back for their loved ones.

I cannot thank you enough for your courage, <name>. Please accept this on behalf of the post.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1650 experience (99 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Darnassus

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