Bring the Wolf Heart Sample to Apothecary Helbrim in the Barrens.
Provided Item:
A colleague in Kalimdor, Apothecary Helbrim, is researching the effects of Lordaeron toxins on the beasts of Kalimdor. He would be very interested in a sample of the wolf hearts Renferrel sent me.
Helbrim is stationed in the Barrens, in a village known as the Crossroads. To reach him, you must travel via zeppelin to the orc capital of Orgrimmar, then travel south, by foot, to Durotar. Head west into the Barrens, and you will soon reach the Crossroads.
You can choose one of these awards:
You have a package for me?
Ah, very good. If initial reports are true, then the toxicity of these hearts could lead to further advances in our knowledge of poisons.
This is a welcome delivery, <name>. Your reward is well earned.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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