Crisis at the Sunwell - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Crisis at the Sunwell


1.Crisis at the Sunwell
Closes Quests
Adyen the Lightwarden on the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City has requested that you travel to Sunwell Plateau and speak with Larethor.


By the naaru, I thank you, <race>, for your efforts.

Our work is far from finished, however, and I must request that you undertake a critical mission - one as important as any I've issued.

Our forces are spread thinly. To compound the strain, we've had to dispatch a contingent to Azeroth to investigate developments at the Sunwell Plateau.

You are needed there, <name>. Report to Larethor. Tell him that I wish we could spare more men.


Also, you get: 44


Another soldier from Shattrath? A welcome sight!

Wish there were more of you, but we'll make due with what we have. Whatever's going on out here won't wait for us to make ready.

Have a look around, <class>. There's much that needs doing. Pitch in and do your share.

Oh, yeah, and don't go tauntin' the cryers - err, Scryers. Looks like we're in this thing together....


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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