A New Adornment - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
A New Adornment


  • Level: 26
  • Requires level: 19
  • Side: Alliance
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 19  20  24  29
1.A New Adornment
Obtain Ran Bloodtooth's Skull and Dartol's Rod.


I'm certain that the long-dead wizard, Dartol, intended to use his rod to subjugate and destroy us just as the night elves and orcs have, but I think now we'll put that thing to an unintended use.

Ran Bloodtooth is the king of all of the Ashenvale furbolg. His tribe, the Bloodtooth, are the most powerful and keep themselves secluded in a camp just to the east.

Kill them all and bring back his skull. Let us see if we can put it to good use.


Also, you get: 20


Have you slain Ran yet, my friend?

Even the Night elves do not truly deserve his wrath. His hatred burns even brighter than my own, but his mind is no longer his own. He is a threat to all the natural creatures of this forest.


You have done well, my friend.

The forest is still tainted, but at least we know we have done a small part to return it to its former glory. If you wish to return to me again, I would enjoy the company of my own kind.

Be well. Perhaps our tribes will meet again under less violent times.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2100 experience (1 26 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Darnassus

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