Vertok Axebreaker in Thrallmar wants you to bring Bonechewer Blood Samples to Apothecary Zelana at Reaver's Fall.
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Apethecary Zelana has been studying the beasts of Hellfire Peninsula in the field. She wants a sample of the blood you gathered; with luck, she might discover what turned those Bonechewer freaks' skins red!
Zelana is at Reaver's Fall, southeast of Thrallmar. Follow the road east and when you see a destroyed, green-glowing hunk of metal, you're there. She has a camp set up behind the wyverns.
Also, you get:
It is my honor to serve the wishes of the Horde. How might I aid you?
Ah, yes. The blood of the Bonechewer clan. I am very curious about these orcs... they are still the depraved fiends of the past, but their strength and power is greater than what I had heard...
Well, let us begin, shall we?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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