Lieutenant Commander's Refuge - Item sets - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Lieutenant Commander's Refuge
Level: 66
Classes: Druid
This 6-piece set includes the following items:
Knight-Captain's Dragonhide Chestpiece
Knight-Captain's Dragonhide Leggings
Knight-Lieutenant's Dragonhide Grips
Knight-Lieutenant's Dragonhide Treads
Lieutenant Commander's Dragonhide Headguard
Lieutenant Commander's Dragonhide Shoulders
Set Bonuses
Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character.
2 pieces:
Increases Agility by 20.
4 pieces:
Increases your movement speed by 15% while in Bear Form, Cat Form, or Travel Form. Only active outdoors.
6 pieces:
+20 Stamina.
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