Crude Bastard Sword - Items - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Crude Bastard Sword


  • Sell for: 49
Crude Bastard Sword
7 - 12 DamageSpeed 3.20
(3.1 damage per second)
Durability 50 / 50
Requires Level 2
Item Level 7
Sell Price: 49

Additional Information

Recovering Kodo10 - 11A HBeast1.2
Grimtotem Straggler5 - 6A HHumanoid1.2
Northwatch Infantryman
<Northwatch Expeditionary Force>
5 - 6A HHumanoid1.2
Grimtotem Vandal8 - 9A HHumanoid1.1
Oomlot Shaman8A HHumanoid1
Teloch9A HHumanoid1
Worgen Infiltrator1A HHumanoid1
Steamwheedle Shark9A HMechanical1
Pygmy Witchdoctor6A HHumanoid0.9
Dark Ranger Thyala7
A HHumanoid0.9
Grimtotem Ambusher1A HHumanoid0.9
Lieutenant Palliter
<Northwatch Expeditionary Force>
8A HHumanoid0.9
Strange Tentacle7 - 8A HUncategorized0.8
SI:7 Assassin7A HHumanoid0.8
Ogre Minion
<Servant of Koroth>
7A HHumanoid0.8
Captain Anson7A HHumanoid0.8
Forsaken Castaway6 - 7A HHumanoid0.8
Northwatch Ranger
<Northwatch Expeditionary Force>
5 - 6A HHumanoid0.8
Northwatch Sharpshooter
<Northwatch Expeditionary Force>
6 - 7A HHumanoid0.8
Frostmane Warrior7 - 8A HHumanoid0.8
Frostmane Raider8 - 9A HHumanoid0.8
Forsaken Footsoldier7A HHumanoid0.7
Captain Morris7A HHumanoid0.7
Executor Cornell10A HHumanoid0.7
Oomlot Tribesman7A HHumanoid0.7
Frostmane Scout6A HHumanoid0.7
Kobold Miner4 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Murloc Forager9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Ruklar the Trapper8A HHumanoid0.6
Narg the Taskmaster6
A HHumanoid0.6
Cutpurse5A HHumanoid0.6
Riverpaw Runt8 - 9A HHumanoid0.6
Morgaine the Sly9
A HHumanoid0.6
Bandit8A HHumanoid0.6
Murloc6 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Goldtooth7 - 8A HHumanoid0.6
A HHumanoid0.6
A HHumanoid0.6
Morgan the Collector10A HHumanoid0.6
Rogue Wizard10A HHumanoid0.6
Kobold Tunneler2 - 6A HHumanoid0.6
Kobold Geomancer7 - 8A HHumanoid0.6
Riverpaw Outrunner9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Rusty Harvest Golem9 - 10A HMechanical0.6
Defias Footpad10 - 11A HHumanoid0.6
Defias Ambusher8A HHumanoid0.6
Murloc Lurker9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Murloc Streamrunner6 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Erlan Drudgemoor8A HHumanoid0.6
Surena Caledon9A HHumanoid0.6
Rockjaw Skullthumper8A HHumanoid0.6
Rockjaw Ambusher9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Rockjaw Bonesnapper9A HHumanoid0.6
Rockjaw Backbreaker11 - 12A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Troll7 - 8A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Snowstrider8 - 9A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Hideskinner9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Headhunter8 - 9A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Shadowcaster9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Young Wendigo5 - 6A HHumanoid0.6
Wendigo6 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Edan the Howler7
A HHumanoid0.6
Tunnel Rat Vermin12 - 13A HHumanoid0.6
Tunnel Rat Scout12 - 13A HHumanoid0.6
Ice Claw Bear8A HBeast0.6
Leper Gnome8 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Saean12A HHumanoid0.6
Frostmane Seer8 - 9A HHumanoid0.6
Rattlecage Soldier8 - 9A HUndead0.6
Darkeye Bonecaster7 - 9A HUndead0.6
Cracked Skull Soldier8 - 9A HUndead0.6
Rotting Dead5 - 6A HUndead0.6
Ravaged Corpse6 - 7A HUndead0.6
Hungering Dead7 - 8A HUndead0.6
Shambling Horror8 - 9A HUndead0.6
Bleeding Horror9 - 10A HUndead0.6
Rotting Ancestor8 - 9A HUndead0.6
Lost Soul6 - 7
A HUndead0.6
Wandering Spirit10 - 11A HUndead0.6
Tormented Spirit8 - 9
A HUndead0.6
Wailing Ancestor8 - 9A HUndead0.6
Scarlet Warrior6 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Scarlet Missionary7 - 8A HHumanoid0.6
Scarlet Zealot8A HHumanoid0.6
Scarlet Friar9 - 10A HHumanoid0.6
Scarlet Neophyte10 - 11A HHumanoid0.6
Scarlet Vanguard10 - 11A HHumanoid0.6
Vile Fin Puddlejumper5 - 6A HHumanoid0.6
Vile Fin Minor Oracle6 - 7A HHumanoid0.6
Vile Fin Muckdweller8 - 9A HHumanoid0.6
Gregor Agamand9A HUndead0.6
Nissa Agamand9A HUndead0.6
Thurman Agamand9A HUndead0.6
Devlin Agamand9A HUndead0.6
Scarlet Bodyguard8A HHumanoid0.6
Captain Perrine9A HHumanoid0.6
Rot Hide Gnoll6 - 7A HUndead0.6
Rot Hide Mongrel7 - 8A HUndead0.6
Maggot Eye8A HUndead0.6
Moonrage Whitescalp10 - 11A HHumanoid0.6